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Server Rules

When you participate within the JoltMC community, you are automatically bound by our set rules, designed to ensure a positive and fair environment for all members. This commitment helps us maintain the safety and enjoyment of our community. Our rules cover behavior across every platform we operate, including our Minecraft and Discord servers.

Our staff, empowered to enforce these guidelines, will apply punishments as necessary, guided by the severity of the infraction and any previous breaches by the offender. It's crucial to understand that staff members have the discretion to penalize actions not directly mentioned in the rules, should those actions be deemed as undermining the community's integrity.

Each player is responsible for the safety and security of their account. This means being accountable for any actions taken through your account and ensuring the security of your account details and password – sharing these with others is strongly discouraged.

For situations where you observe rule-breaking or wish to appeal a punishment, we provide a structured process through Discord. By creating a support ticket, you can report concerns or seek review of a decision made against you.

These rules is established to protect the gameplay experience and foster a respectful community, highlighting our commitment to fairness and security across all platforms.

Text and Voice Chat

All players are expected to carry themselves appropriately within all text and voice chats. Text and voice chat rules have similar offenses, but some may be only applicable to one or the other. Breaking voice chat rules will warrant a much more severe punishment.

General Misconduct

  • Avoid spamming or flooding chats with repetitive messages or characters.
  • Circumventing chat filters is not allowed.
  • Do not excessively use profanity in voice chat.
  • Refrain from discussing controversial topics or anything disruptive to the server.
  • Providing misleading information about the server or its features may lead to punishment.
  • Discussing or promoting blacklisted modifications or cheats is forbidden.
  • Misusing server commands, including inappropriate use of /helpop, is prohibited.

Abuse and Discrimination

  • Toxic behavior, including offensive or obscene language towards others, is prohibited.
  • Discriminatory language is not allowed.
  • Harassment or targeting players based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any protected characteristic is forbidden.
  • Encouraging self-harm, suicide, or threatening others with violence or death is prohibited.


  • Discussing or promoting other servers and third-party websites is not allowed.
  • Sharing links to third-party websites or Discord servers is prohibited.
  • Advertising personal social media accounts, such as YouTube, Twitch, or Twitter, is forbidden.
  • Phishing for Minecraft accounts or personal information on the server or the Discord server will lead to a permanent blacklist.

Threats of Personal Information

  • Sharing personal information about players is strictly forbidden.
  • Gaining personal information through deception or threats is not allowed.
  • Threats or acts of DDoSing/Doxxing are strictly prohibited.
  • Harassment using personal information is not permitted.
  • Making jokes or fake threats, including sharing fake IP addresses or locations in chat, is prohibited.

Voice Chat

  • Boosting microphone volume to excessive levels in proximity chat is not allowed.
  • Playing music, sounds, or using a soundboard through the microphone is prohibited.
  • Making inappropriate sounds or remarks in voice chat is forbidden.
  • All chat rules also apply to voice chat where applicable.

Gameplay Rules

Violating gameplay rules will result in a ban without warning.

Unfair Advantages

  • Using hacked clients or texture packs to gain an unfair advantage is strictly prohibited.
  • Using modifications that automates player actions are prohibited, examples are auto-clickers, auto-miners, path finding, and aim assist.
  • Any modification that provides any significant advantage over other players is prohibited, if you question mods you are using, create a ticket in discord.


  • Posting misleading items in the GTS is prohibited.
  • Constructing inappropriate structures or signs, including lag machines, is forbidden.
  • Stealing items from trusted claims (aka insiding) is prohibited.
  • Abusing/exploiting unintentional bugs or exploits without reporting them is prohibited.

Account Misconduct

  • Use of an inappropriate skin or inappropriate username is prohibited.
  • Boosting stats through multiple accounts is prohibited.
  • Evading punishments via other accounts is strictly prohibited.
  • Charging back on any payment to PokeLeague is strictly prohibited.

If your account is deemed compromised, you will be permanently banned.

Game Trading

  • Selling/buying/trading accounts on the server is prohibited.
  • Advertising personal giveaways is prohibited.
  • Selling in-game items for PayPal or non server-related items is strictly prohibited.